Multiple M2TS Files

Moderators: lucy, Xorsist, TattooScorpio, cloud, Willer

Multiple M2TS Files

Postby bmeenk » 09 Nov 2014, 16:55

I've been using your Ideal Media Solution software for the past week (just got it). I'm fairly sure it's up to date. Here's the issue I'm having. For Blu Ray discs, I choose to use the Blu Ray Copy program and select "Only the main movie". I save it to my hard drive. Most of the time, this results in a large (~30gb) .m2ts file, which I play using WMC. However, for a couple BD's, it has put about a dozen smaller .m2ts files into the "Stream" folder, rather than just the large one. Is there a way I can fix this using the Blu Ray Copy software? I don't mind having to re-copy the disc. Just wondering what I can do to fix this when it happens.

So far, it's been with the Blu Rays of Iron Man 2 and Sherlock Holmes.

Thanks for your help!
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Joined: 08 Nov 2014, 17:43

Re: Multiple M2TS Files

Postby Willer » 12 Nov 2014, 09:00

I'm sorry, the main movie data structure of the original disc is just made of multiple .m2ts files, so we also output same. According to my experience, the small files are usually for the instructions, previews etc. at the beginnning of the main movie, you can just enjoy the largest file which is for the actual main movie.

Or you can use the keywords "join m2ts" to search the third party tool to combine .m2ts files to one.
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