Why read error in very beginning of copying - MATSHITA drive

Moderators: lucy, Xorsist, TattooScorpio, cloud, Willer

Why read error in very beginning of copying - MATSHITA drive

Postby Willer » 09 Sep 2014, 08:25

When you copying or ripping a protected DVD in a region, the program prompts read error immediately after start(almost on each protected DVD), it happens because our software can't authorize this DVD drive. This problem usually happens on Matshita(Panasonic) and some HP brand drive. Other DVD decrypters also have the same problem.

The reason:
MMC standard requires that a drive should not reveal the key on a region mismatched CSS protected disc. Our program can usually reveal the key with some way, as long as the drive allows you to read the protected sectors. But Matshita drives do not allow to read the protected data, if the region code doesn't match. No other drive behaves this way, only Matshita drives.

The solution:
If you tried to copy a protected DVD in your local region: please set your drive to this region(refer to the attachment), then you can copy your local region DVDs normally.

If you tried to copy a protected DVD different with your local region: I suggest you copy it from other brand drive, other brand drive doesn't have such restriction, if you don't have other brand drive, you also can try to set the drive to this DVD region in order to copy this DVD, but note you will meet the similar problem when you copy or rip other region DVDs and you can change the region a limited number of times.
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